Friday, August 17, 2007

It's All about the Food

Up until Thursday of this week it was really boring but finally we did something fun. We went into The Hague and naturally...we had to shop for a little then did something fun...we ate some Mexican food. I love Mexican food so it was really nice to have.

However, this brings me to a difficulty that I am experiencing in Holland. While they do speak English as a general rule, it is definitely the second language of the Dutch and since I do not speak any Dutch, there are sometimes communication troubles. Somehow, these troubles seem to arise when I am ordering food. I have specific foods that I will and won't eat and a specific way in which I want this food to arrive at my far, it is almost always wrong. I think I am clearly ordering what I want, and it always comes wrong. For example, I ordered a chicken quesadilla without the vegetables...and got a vegetable quesadilla. This was not good. However, they did take it back and fix it.....whew, I was NOT going to eat a vegetable and cheese quesadilla! Anyway....

Then on Friday we went to the Mauritshuis museum in the Hague. I don't really like this museum that much but my Bestemom did so we went through it twice...sigh...then we went to Leiden and walked around for a little. After that we found a really good Indian food place and had dinner there. Finally we went to this cafe and got hot cocoa with whipped cream...there is as much whipped cream as there is hot cocoa. I love this place....vive la whipped cream!!!

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