Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Delft again

This morning Twiga was very friendly and would not leave sight of my Bestemom and me. That made it hard for my soft hearted Bestamom to leave the house. She was dog blackmailed. Finally we had to go or we would miss Delft...our second trip to the city. In order to get there we have to take public transport. (in order to get anywhere we have to walk, bike or take public transport). We had to walk to the tram stop and get the #1 tram. The walk to the tram stop is really long and longer still because they closed the bridge over the canal that we need to get over, so it is necessary to take a ferry across the canal and then keep walking till you get to the tram stop. Cars are easier to use as transportation, though I am learning a lot about environmental issues and am not sure if I think cars or public transportation is better. Cars are more convenient, but public transport is better for the environment.

To make it worse, it is a bit complicated to use public transport in Holland. In order to get on the tram you have to use this strippencards that you stamp different amounts depending on were you are going...there are different "zones" that need different amounts of stamps, only it doesn't seem totally clear where these zones begin and end.

When we got to Delft we had Poffergies (Poffergies are little pancake like things, but made in sort of small flat balls with powdered sugar on them and then you can get whipped cream and strawberries or what ever you want)...they are so good. Then we did some shopping...why that is legal I don't know...but after that we got some food. I love ham and cheese toasties. Then we walked around a little more, and headed home to spend the evening at my Aunt's house with her.

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