Sunday, September 2, 2007

Home alone...dun dun dunnn

This past weekend, my family headed to London WITHOUT ME!!! How rude! They left me to babysit the dog because apparently the U.K. is difficult about bringing animals in. So, I spent the weekend with the dog...while my family toured Europe. However, karma kicked in because their first night in London they got the car towed. They should have been nicer to me and Twiga!

Friday afternoon I finally got to hang out with that kid Chris that I wrote about. He was cool....he and his Mom live here in Holland. We hung out and ate pizza and played video games all afternoon and evening. Unfortunately he starts back to school next week, so he'll be really busy again. But, its cool to know that kids are kids wherever you go.

Well, after that I spent both the weekend days on the computer talking to my friends back home. I was really glad....I miss everyone! While doing this I also had to walk Twiga three times a day and feed her in the morning and night. Now when I say I was on the computer both days I mean all day and night. On friday night I talked to my friend Megan all night and day and most of the next night. I also talked to Becca and Kels part of the time. While I did all this I also watched movies. Then on sunday night my parents got home and told me that they were dumb enough that they got the car toed on the first night...that is just sad. finally I went to sleep around 1 1:30. I can't decide if they had a better weekend in London or if I did just getting to be without them and to talk to people my own age for a while.

I might have thrown a party except it would have been a sad one since I don't really know Aunt is just lucky, otherwise we might have trashed the place. oh well....maybe next time they go away and leave me alone for the weekend I'll have found some friends here.

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