Thursday, September 20, 2007

To London

Last night we were supposed to go on this Hash run thing. It is a running group that they have in most cities around the world where each week they do a different route that is marked with different symbols to tell you were to run. The course is made to trick all the fast people. However, we didn't do it. This was for a few reasons, 1)it was freezing cold and rainy, 2) my Aunt was totally dreading it, but came along with me because she knew I wanted to do it, an 3) because when we got there the people waiting to do it looked mainly all old and definitely weird, so my aunt and I went to really good 5 Euro pizza place instead.

Today I spent an hour and a half talking to Amy on the phone and waiting for my Aunt to get home. At her lunch break we went to the store and bought Mel and Shamim flowers (they are both friends of my Aunt's and they both had birthdays). Mel is the neighbor who lives upstairs from us, and our dog Twiga REALLY likes her. She is taking care of Twiga this weekend while we are in London. Then my Aunt went back to work and I cleaned up the house a little and packed for the trip to London. Then at two when my Aunt got home she told Mel all the important things about taking care of Twiga and then we headed to the airport.

The flight from Amsterdam to London takes 45 min but the total time it took to get there was 5 or 6 hours...way too long. (this is because you have to take a train, to the central station, another train to the airport, get to the airport two hours early for security, get on the flight, fly to London, then take another train into Waterloo station in London and then take the tube to where we were staying). When we finally got to Waterloo station, we went over to an Indian food place for some dinner and met up with her friend Tanya, who we will be staying with. The Indian food was so good. I can't wait to explore London tomorrow!

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