Thursday, September 13, 2007

My PE Here Is So Much Better Then In The States

So here in Holland I don't really have PE so my Aunt made up a PE class for me. I have only had PE class once so far, but it rocks! I get to take the morning off school and ride my bike to the skate park and skateboard. I suck at skating so its nice to skate when there is nobody there. I leave around 9:30 or 10 and get there at about 10 or 10:30. I skate till 11:30 and then head home to be back by 12. The skate park is half metal and half cement but still really nice to ride on. I just wish I could drop in (for those of you that don't know what that is it is when you start at the top of a half pipe...U...or a quater pipe half of the half pipe and ride down and in to the half pipe) because that would make my life so simple when skating. While skating I also learned that I suck more then I thought and that I need to practice more. But I had fun so it was all good. When I get back to the States I'm going to try to get a membership to the skate park by my school and start practising again.

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