Friday, September 28, 2007

An Average Friday in Den Haag

Living here in Holland for a while now, I have a few observations.

I have noticed that it rains more often then not but I guess that is what happens when you live in the sea. So let me explain that. The Dutch reclaimed Holland from the sea centuries ago by constructing an intricate system of dijkes which build up walls in order to keep the water back. So in a certain way, we are actually living in the sea.

I have also noticed that people her are not very nice or helpful where as when I was in London they were very helpful and nice. To me it almost seems like people here are looking for a reason to yell at you or glare at you and act like they are perfect and you are below them and just a wast of there time. This is not an attractive quality of Dutch people. Lighten up guys!!

Biking is very popular here and is one of the main ways to get around, but a lot of the bikes are not like the ones in the states. They are the really old ones that you would rarely see in the states (though I must admit my Bestemom has one that looks like it came from here). My bike is a mountain like the bikes in the states so I think it is better then the old bikes that most people ride here.

I also don't think I have seen a day here that has not had clouds. I guess that kind of goes with the bad weather thing.

1 comment:

Bestemom said...

Quit picking on my bike! I like my bike and it rides great--so there. Maybe people in The Netherlands are glaring at you because you pick on their bikes.