Monday, September 10, 2007

The School Routine

So we started a school routine today so that I do my school stuff...I don't really want to but it is necessary.

I wake up around 8ish and get ready for the day. This involves making the bed, showering, take the dog out for a walk, getting breakfast etc. (all the normal morning activities). Then I sit in my aunts room at a desk and do school work from 9 till 12:30 1:00 ish when she gets home for lunch. Then we walk the dog, eat some lunch and check the work that I have done so far and I get my afternoon assignments. She heads back to work around 2ish, and I have from 2 till she gets home from work to finish up the afternoon work. (she says she gets home by 5:30 6:00 ish but it really tends to be more like 6:30 7:30ish). When she gets home we walk the dog again and maybe wach a little TV and check my school work. Then we eat and talk and then go to is how most days boring!!

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