Friday, September 14, 2007

baby sit'n and taxi rides

The first week without Bestemom here has gone just fine...a little sad but fine. Today I helped my Aunt babysit her friends kids ages 1 and 2. Luckily she did all the baby sitting while I went to get food. When I got back with the food we...(OK she)...put them to bed. We spent the rest of the time eating...Shwarma...YAY Shwarma its so good. It is a type of food from Turkey and I haven't ever seen it before in the States, but it is all over Europe at donor kebab places. They have turkish pizza and this thing that in Dutch is called kip donor (it is sliced juicy chicken in a pita bread and it is SO good). Then we just watched movies for the night until my Aunt's friends came home. Finally around 12:24 they came home...totely smashed. They said that if we ran we could catch the last bus back to our house, but when we got to the bus stop there was no bus that ran at that time so we had to get a cab. This was the first cab I have ever been was fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally smashed heh?!
Thanks again for babysitting the kids!

I like you blog...keep writting it.

Have a good week and I am looking forward to read your report about my interview!!!

See you soon,