Monday, October 29, 2007

A typical weekend in Den Haag

On Saturday we got up nice and early to go to the farmer's market to get our food and Twigas food. While we were there we ran in to my Aunt's friend Cynthia and her husband Patrick. We later saw Eleni and her brother also shopping at the market, and talked to them for a little but we were going to see them later so we didn't talk for too long.

When we got home we put everything away then we headed back out to to go to the cafe that we go to when we meet Eleni and waited for her and her brother, Aristotle (they are Greek, if you can't tell). When they got there we had the usual..the girls had chai tea and bagels and I had hot chocolate and a chocolate Muffin and Eleni's brother had Fresh Mint Tea and a chicken sandwich. Eventually we had to go home to clean so we paid and went home and did just that.

On Sunday we got up late and went to meet up with Eleni and her brother to go to Amsterdam for the day. Unfortunately we had a snafu! Daylight savings time does not change over at the same time in Holland that it does in the U.S. My Aunt has a U.S. calendar and it was marked that daylight savings would switch over next week. However, we were an hour early for things on Sunday and eventually we figured out what the problem was....its not that everyone else was running SOO late (my Aunt was getting really pissed off), it's that we were running SOO early.

So we sat at the train station for an hour longer then we needed to and decided to go to a cafe nearby for some poferjes. While we were over there waiting for Eleni and her brother to show, Eleni called asking where we were and then headed over to meet us for some poferjes while we waited for her brother to finish shopping downtown. Unfortunately, Eleni got a call that her brother had passed out at the store that he was shopping at and had a seizer type experience so she went to get him.

We weren't sure what to do, if we should stay in town in case she needed help or go. It was getting too late to go to Amsterdam anyway, so we decided to stay closer to home in case Eleni might need us and we went to Delft to look around for a little and to get my Aunt a poferje pan that we have been meaning to get since her B-Day. Unfortunately, the shop was closed (because ALL shops in Holland seem to be closed on Sundays!!) So we just walked around, got some food and then went home...what a fun weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hello hello...
im looking at heading that way on saturday to find a good produce market ( want to cook a great dinner for some friends ) can you let me know where this farmers market actually is in town, im travelling from amsterdam for the day..
thankyou and regards