Saturday, October 20, 2007

Portland, Oregon

My Aunt has a friend, Bradi....she lives in Portland, Oregon and though I don't think I've ever met her in person (if so, I was really young and don't remember it) she reads my blog and comments sometimes and even made a post on her blog about my blog! So, I'm returning the favor. I think her site is great....

she is a great writer and seems really nice, and my Aunt likes her.


bradi said...

You made my day! I'm officially cool enough to get a link on your site. I'm honored! I've been thinking of commenting about your trip to Scotland but I get too jealous because I desperately want to go to Scotland and visit dead people! I imagine everyone is like the dad from So I Married an Ax Murderer, right? By the way, kilts are so rad! You are the coolest guy in town. I think your aunt must be the best tour guide possible. I'm definitely going to make it out there eventually. And I do hope you both come to Portland because it's the best but it could always use more environmental lawyers, gardeners and world travelers.

I've been thoroughly enjoying your blog. It's nice to check in on your aunt (and Twiga) and I love your honest view of the places you go (oh, the places you will go . . .). Where to next?

Your blog question-I think the only way to expand is the change your background. Under formatting, pick a new background and then you can even change the colors for everything if you don't like theirs. I'm sure there is a way to edit the HTML to expand your text space but that is WAY beyond me. I'm a cut and paste kind of gal. Good luck!

Keep up the writing and I'll keep checking. Hi to K!

bradi said...

Looks great! Keep up the good work!