Monday, October 22, 2007

Thinking of Home

Just a quick note to all those in San Diego. That's one thing that's hard about living away from your home. When bad things happen, you are so far removed and its not easy to get news about it. Southern California is going up in smoke right now, and that is where I lived when I was a little kid. Our family lived in Poway and that is where there are evacuations and fires and we have family friends there now. My Aunt is watching the news and getting updates from her friends who are there and is really worried. The hospital close to our family home in Poway was evacuated and the Wild Animal Park was too. So, I thought I would just send out good thoughts to everyone down there and let you all know that we are thinking of you here and wishing we could do something to help other than watch CNN for news.


Anonymous said...

At least you have a way of getting the news. Only reason we found out here in Joshua was because the church that burnt down was the one a girl up here belonged to.

Anonymous said...

Here is the latest from San Diego fires: at the AM press conference, the mayor called today "re-entry day." That's a good sign. And TV & radio have returned to regular programming--sadly a significant signal of normalcy. If you can podcast local news, they are broadcasting addresses of homes that were destroyed. But evacuees have been allowed to go back to parts of Poway. However, it is one of the hardest areas hit.