Monday, October 8, 2007

A Sunny Weekend

This weekend was a really really really nice weekend which doesn't happen very often here so we spent most of Saturday outside having fun even though there was a lot of work to get done this weekend. It's too hard to stay inside working when the sun is shining and everyone else is outside (this only happens maybe 2 times out of the 3 months I've been you really have to take advantage of it).

First thing we did was go to the market and get Twiga all her food and me all my food then went to this cafe and got some hot drinks and muffins that my aunt calls scones (they are not scones...they are muffins I tell you...muffins!!)

...anyway then we went home, put the food away and took Twiga and her red ball out and played with her in the grass. She is really funny with it...then we took her on a lllooonnnggg walk which she liked.

When we got home I went out for a nice run...I wish I could run with someone, its so boring to run alone. However, I don't know any runners here....believe me, my Aunt is NOT a candidate, she hates running!!

Once I got home I had to shower and get ready to go to Shamim's house for dinner. He was supposed to be having a cookoff with his friend to see who cooked better but Shamim failed before he even started so his friend did the cooking. His friend was a good cook and all the people at the dinner party were really nice, so I had a fun time, even though I was definitely the youngest person there (by a lot). We Finally left a little after midnight and had to bike a half hour home.

On Sunday we spent the whole day doing the work/school work that we were supposed to do on Saturday and cutting Twiga was a long day. But, it's a weekend in The Hague. Not that different from the types of things I would be doing on the weekend in Martinez.

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