Friday, October 26, 2007

Shamim's House

The other night I went to my Aunt's friends house for this group. (kinda like a small group for those of you that went to church as kids) Shamim and his wife are Baha'i' and so we are doing a sort of group based on a workbook that is from the Baha'i' writings. But, there are others who are in the group that are not religious at all, and then others who have different religious beliefs. So, the idea is that we would all come together and talk about these things with different perspectives. I was not at all sure about it, but my Aunt wanted me to come along and try, and I do like Shamim and Eleni (two of her friends that are in the group), so I told her I would come once and see.

We talked about different things like what what goodly deeds are and whether words or actions speak louder and other thing along those lines. We start off with a new section of this book each time that has different questions and stuff and we just start talking about it and the answer and why we think what we think. Last night was the first time we actually started it. We had met one time before but it was sort of an introduction to each other and to the idea of the group and so we didn't have time to do anything that night because it was so late.

I must say that I felt more comfortable when it is just like it was yesterday instead of the first time because yesterday it was just me, my Aunt, Eleni, Shamim, and his wife Rebecca all of whom I know so it is easier for me to talk to. When there are lots of people and I don't like to talk much and I feel more uncomfortable. So, in the end, I had a lot of fun and am actually looking forward to going again.

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