We are still in Berlin, but today we got up early and headed out because we were going to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This camp wasn't a death camp it was a work camp so although many people there died it was not even close to how many people died at the death camps. I knew that the camps were big but when i got there i found that it was bigger then i thought. It was also very interesting to see where the people slept every night and sad to see just how little space they had and to hear just how bad there life was. In school you learn about the Holocaust but it is very

different to hear about it when you are at the camp and see the things that they had to do and where they had to sleep. I also learned things that you aren't taught in school like if you had a deformity they would kill you just to see what it was. An example of this is when a man with a crooked spine(my guess would be he had scoliosis) was killed and took out his spine and hung it in the courtyard just because they thought it looked weird. After we were done there we drove back and met up with Robert and his girlfriend and took a boat tour of Berlin. The tour was a lot of fun even though it rained a little on us. The tour took us through parts of Berlin that people don't

usually see if they just walk the city. After the tour my aunt and I went to the Holocaust memorial which was really interesting because it is a bunch of rectangular slabs that make a maze like area. From there we went back to the hotel and rested for a few minutes before we went back out to meet up with everyone for dinner. (We were supposed to meet another one of Eleni's brothers and the roommate of the brother that lived there.) When we got to the restaurant everyone but Eleni's brother

and the other brothers roommate was there. Right after we ordered they both walked in. It was nice to meet them and the dinner was a lot of fun. After diner we went straight back to the hotel and straight to bed because we were getting up early the next day.
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