Thursday, May 15, 2008

I have traveled in Europe all by myself

So now I have traveled in Europe all by myself. My aunt went to Florence, Italy on Thursday for work and I was going to fly out to join her on Friday. So on Thursday morning my aunt headed out to the airport and Twiga and I stayed home. On Thursday I spent time doing home work and playing with Twiga. On Friday when I woke up I made Twiga her food and got every thing ready for Julianne, the girl who works at my aunt's court and who was watching Twiga while we were gone. Then at 3:30 on Friday afternoon I headed for the train and from there to Schipole airport in Amsterdam to catch my flight to Florence. When I got to Florence, I had to catch the bus to the main train station and from there take a cab to the hotel. I think my aunt was really nervous that something would go wrong....but it was all fine. By the time I got to the hotel I was tired and wanted to go to sleep. My aunt was at a dinner thing for work, but she had left me money at the front desk, in case I didn't have enough with me to pay for the taxi....but I did. The hotel is right in the middle of Florence so tomorrow while my aunt is working, I can explore a bit of Florence on my own.

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