Monday, May 12, 2008

The Beach

On Monday the Netherlands (or I guess most of Europe) celebrated a holiday....Whit Monday. I think it's some sort of religious holiday, but I actually don't know. What I do know is that Holland had the day off. Unfortunately for my aunt, who works for an international institution, she did not have the day off. However, all the kids in my youth group did, so I went to the beach to meet up with the church youth group I go to. The youth had a "Pasta feed" thing because the sun was out and it was hot and that is not common in Holland. I bussed over to the beach and then walked around for like an hour looking for the church group because it was so packed that it was almost impossible to find anyone without looking for about that long. Finally when I found them I hung out with my friends, Sinclaire and Timothy most of the time. We wanted to play Frisbee and stuff but there were WAY to many people so that idea was scratched. Although this is a beach it still doesn't seem like a real beach to me. The sand here has shells in it all over even in the parts the water is never at and they are so old that they are broken and sharp so when you step on them it really hurts. Other then that I had a lot of fun. I left earlier then most people but it was ok because I was getting a sun burn by then. All in all it was a lot of fun and I've decided that I wholly approve of Whit rocks!

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