Friday, May 2, 2008

Day Two in Berlin

The second day in Berlin we went to the zoo. When we got there the line was really long so we let Twiga stand in line with us till we were about to get the tickets then I put her back in the car. Right when we got in we started looking for Knut the Polar bear. (That was my aunt’s only real reason to go there) Knut is a very famous polar bear in Europe, though in the US we haven't really heard of him. He was born last year at the Berlin zoo and the whole continent went crazy over this cute polar bear. He is now a teen ager though.

I thought it was a nice Zoo, of course I still think the San Diego Zoo is better but that is because it is :P

Before we could find Knut we decided to get some lunch so we went to one of the food courts and I got a Bratwurst and fries and my aunt got what was supposed to be potato salad and a pretzel. I loved that lunch but my aunt thought the "potato salad" was not good. After that we kept looking for the bear but it was hard to find because the signs aren't really that helpful. While we were looking for Knut we saw some white wolfs and I thought that was really cool because I love wolfs. Shortly after the wolfs we found the famous polar bear. That was the most active and fun bear I have ever seen. It actually was amazing to see.

After we saw that we headed strait for the exit and back to Twiga. From there we went back to the shops we were at the day before and I got some cool stuff. On the way back to the hotel that night we stopped at the Brandenburg Gates and got a few pictures. My aunt is such a freak that everytime we passed the gates she would say, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall." She is very embarassing to hang out in public with.

That night we went to Eleni's brothers Opera at the Berlin Opera House. It was the first real Opera I had been to and it didn't seem to be the normal kind. It was...different. I could always tell where Eleni's brother was when he was on stage. The story of the Opera was Joan of Arc, but my Aunt and Eleni said it wasn't a classic opera but a modern one so there was a lot of weird stuff going on that I didn't quite get. But, it was still fun to be there and to see it all. After the show was over, we met Eleni's brother in the restaurant for the actors and musicians and we had dinner with them and then went back to the hotel and to sleep.

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