Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day Two in Florence - the day of the museum

Today was my second full day in Florence. My Aunt's meetings ended yesterday so we had all day today to see Florence. This is also my first time in Italy. We started the day by going to a sculpture museum and saw The Beheading of John the Baptist along with some other really cool and very well done sculptures. There were sculptures done by Michelangelo and Rossetti and Brunachelli. All this was in the same museum where we accidentally set the alarm off yesterday because we didn't know the museum was closed and kept trying to open the door. When we got there the doors were shut so we walked all the way around it and ended up back were we started. So we tried to open the door when we heard an alarm sound inside and thought we should book it before we got in trouble so we left. Today we made it inside and it was very nice and open and the walls had different sculptures around them but my favorite one was The Beheading of John the Baptist. After walking around some more and looking at all the different sculptures we headed out. From there we headed to the major museum in Florence, Ufenzi. We had to wait in line almost 3 hours to get in. It was nice once we were in. After that we did a little shopping and i ended up getting the tie that I really liked from the day before.

Then, we headed to one more museum to finish out the day. This museum has Michelangelo's sculpture, David, in it. I have heard about the sculpture and seen photos of it, but I have to say that it is pretty amazing close up. His feet are as big as my head! It stuns me that someone could have had the kind of talent to actually sculpt like that. Even the veins on his arms and back were perfect. It was pretty amazing to see. Michelangelo's 4 dying slaves were also in this museum.

Then we went to the oldest bridge in Florence. The beach along the river reminded me of a beach board walk because it was packed and there were shops all over it and then you could see the water in the background. We didn't spend that much time there because we were hungry so we just walked over it and then back. When we found a place to eat I got really lucky and got to have steak. Apparently this is one of their specialties in Florence so my Aunt thought I should get to have one since I like steak so much. She is a vegetarian, so she just had a cheese pizza.
After that incredibly good dinner we started walking back to the hotel but on the way we went in to a "fancy" story that had lots of papers and calligraphy stuff and the wax ceals with peoples initials. It was really cool so i tried to get my aunt to get the ceal for me because it was really cool. After a little while of thinking about it she said yes so I got to get it. From there we went back to the hotel because it was getting late.

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