Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Third Day of Oslo

Our last day in Oslo was all about shopping for gifts for people and seeing Al Gore. Yes I saw Al for those of you who wanted to know. He was in Oslo for the Nobel Peace Prize events. He won the Nobel Peace Prize this year for those of you who have your head stuck in the sand.

It wasn't that amazing, He walked out waved once got in his car and left. Sadly, I forgot my camera so I don't have a pic of him but I still saw him so that's good enough for me.

I had a lot of fun looking around and actually found shoes I liked. They are Timberlands and they cost $300 in Oslo. We got on line at the hotel and found the same shoes in the States for $90. So when I get back to the states my REALLY COOL aunt is buying me them...ya my aunt reads this.

We spent most of the time walking from one side of town to the other but I ended up getting a new hat that is really cool...but not as cool as my aunt. We also bought gifts for other people...but I won't talk too much about that since Christmas is just around the corner.

Sadly we had to leave today :( I love Norway and had a great time on this trip! Now, just 5 days till I head back to California for the holidays.

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