Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Plane Ride Home to America

Well, I am home in California for the few people that don't know that already.

The plane ride was quit long but I got to eat and sleep so it worked. I had a stop over in the Philly airport. The first ride from Amsterdam to Philly, all that I did was sleep and eat but the second flight I stayed up so that I wouldn't be so jetlagged. It has been fun to be home and see some of my friends but I can't wait to see them all. I dont know if I am going to keep this blog going or just let it sit in syber space but whatever I choose I will let you know as I go because I have no doubt that I will be back traveling soon. I plan to go back to Europe or go to Africa with my Aunt depending on where her job takes her and if I have no doubt I will write while I am there. Well I hope you liked reading my blog and I hope you will continue!

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