Monday, December 3, 2007

The Christmas parties

This is the last weekend in Den Haag before I go home (I will be in Oslo, Norway next weekend),I went to two different Christmas parties and had a lot of fun at both of them. The first one I went to was the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia)Christmas party which was held at a church and not even a cruddy church but a huge old fashion church. On the outside it looked like a miny castle and on the inside it looked like it was Gothic. The party was so fun though because it had music and dancing and drinking and food. There were even gogo dancers on each side of the party. When we first walked in I thought it was a little dumb because they had brake dancers in the front that all sucked but when they stopped it got a lot better. I went to this with my Aunt (duh), Eleni, Cynthia and her husband, and his brother. Both Cynthia's husband and his brother loved to drink (I think that the Dutch are big drinkers) so they got a lot of beer, Cynthia (she's from Costa Rica and LOVES to dance) had less then her husband and his brother but more then my Aunt and Eleni, my Aunt had 1 wine or something and Eleni had orange juice. I had a few beers, but my Aunt cut me off after 3. One really funny part of the night was when a REALLY drunk lady got up with the dancers on the side and started to dance with one of the guy dancers. That was really funny to watch. At about 11 my Aunt said she was bored and left but she let me stay with Cynthia so I ended up not leaving till 1. I had a lot of fun at that party.

The next day we went to a Christmas party at Cynthia's house. It was just one of those house Christmas parties so not as much fun as the church party the night before, but it was still ok. It was an all day sort of party which started at 1 and went till around 9 or so. We went late so that we wouldn't have to deal with the little kids that would be going to the afternoon part. When we got there there were still a few kids, but they left almost right after we got there so we sat and talked and ate a little and then around 10 we left. She lives only 3 doors down from us, so it is pretty easy to go to her house. It was a nice last weekend in town because I got to see a lot of people that I won't get to see again. Now, just two weeks till I go home. I'm excited to go home for Christmas, but I will be a little sad to leave Holland and the people that I've gotten to know here.

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