Friday, December 14, 2007

Oslo day two

The second day in Oslo started the same way as the first. An excellent breakfast!!!

When we went outside to start our day, we went to the docks to go on the fjord boat trip that stops at museums. This provides a twofold purpose - we could visit the museums and also be out on the Oslo fjord. We had to wait for a while until the boat left, so we went into the Christmas "village" and I thought it was kinda cool. Santa Claus was playing the accordian! And, it snowed while we walked around, so that was pretty nice.

The boat trip was cold but but very cool. It was great to be out on the fjords again, though the fjords that we were on this summer when I was in Norway were a lot cooler in my opinion. The tour gave everyone that wanted it a Norwegian porridge (because it is the Christmas season). I had tried the porridge last time I was in Norway and didn't really love it so I didn't have any this time.

Once we stopped at the museums my Aunt and I went in to the Kon-Tiki museum. We both learned a lot while we were there. For example, when we were talking about the museum before we went in we had thought that Kon Tiki was a person. But actually it was an expedition to see if people in the past could travel from Europe to other places abroad with a reed boat. A reed boat is made out of small reeds all bundled together and tied, rather than a boat of wood or plastic. The Kon Tiki expedition was done in order to find out if a reed boat could make it across oceans, in order to see if early societies, such as Egyptians etc. could have made it on to the sea and travelled to other continents. The leader was a Norwegian and he wanted to prove that early societies travelled on boats to other continents and islands, and then lived there and populated those places. It was all very interesting.

After the museum we sat at the cafe there while we waited for the boat to come and get us and take us back to downtown Oslo. When it got there we went back to the city and went ice skating for a little which was fun to do in Norway. They have an ice skating rink all set up in the center of the city and it gets dark there so early, so it was pretty fun to ice skate in the middle of Oslo in the evening. After that, we got some hot chocolate, walked around and shopped a little and grabbed some dinner. Then, we headed back to the hotel.

All and all it was a really fun day.

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