Friday, November 30, 2007

My Thanksgiving

I realized that I hadn't told you about my Thanksgiving so now I have to tell you late. This was my first Thanksgiving that I was not at home or with most of the family so it was a little weird for me but I ended up having a lot of fun with just my Aunt...who knew that was a possibility. We couldn't figure out what to do at first but we wanted it to be a fun and new kind of thing so we ended up picking this really good place we had gone to in Leiden when my bestemom was here. This was the second time we had been to this Indian food place but we liked it so much the first time we had to go back. That Indian food place is not just any Indian food place it is The Best one around and makes me love Indian food even more then I used to which is really hard. When I say the best I mean that it was the 5 star Indian food restaurant. There were a few thing I missed about the thanksgivings at home and that was that there weren't any of my grandads roles and that I was not with the whole family but it was ok. What reminded me of this was that I am going to a Thanksgiving Party thing tonight at the church youth group that I still go to even though they are a LITTLE weird but it gets me out of the house so I'm all good with it.

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