Monday, November 19, 2007

My Second Weekend Alone

This weekend my aunt went on vacation with her friend and left me at home with Twiga and a report to write. My aunt left at 4ish on Friday for Barcelona and left me with 100 euros to buy the food for the week and for the movies that I had planned to go to this weekend.

Friday night I went to the church youth group and played dodge ball with about 20 girls and 8 guys to start. We kept beating them so in the end 3 of the guys on our team went over to their team. They still lost so we stopped playing.

After the group ended, I headed home because I was not planning to sleep. You might ask why and I would tell you "because when it is day in CA, it is night here and I want to talk to my friends". So that's exactly what I did!!

Well, I also talked to my Bestemom for little but it was nice to talk to my friends like Megan who I don't really get to talk to much but I really like to talk to and miss hanging out with. The next morning once all my friends were offline so about 12 AM I got out of the house and did the grocery shopping. Then, I came home and started working on my report but fell asleep while I was in mid sentence. I woke up two hours later and kept working and then again I stood up really late and talked to my Bestemom then went to sleep.

Sunday morning I had to go to a movie that started at one but I didn't wake up till 12:30. I had to bike there so i actually broke my record for how fast I can bike to Den Haag central. It only took me 10 min but i was only part way there and I didn't know how the building looked so it ended up taking me 25 min to get to it.

Once I was finally there I really enjoyed the movie. It was about War photography. Then I headed home to meet Cynthia, my Aunt's colleague and I went to see another movie with her and her husband. It was really good. It was called "The Devil Came On Horseback" and is about the genocide in Darfur and how the Sudanese government has been trying to cover it up.

Finally, late Sunday night, my Aunt got home at about ten from Barcelona. She had gotten me a gift so she gave it to me. I really like it. It is hard to explain but it is a sweater which you can zip up and is really warm because it is lined with fleece inside. Apparently, they are very popular now in Greece and Spain. She and I told each other about our different weekends and we decided...we both agree that the weekend was a good one. I hope yours was good too!!

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