Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Afrika Afrika!!!!

This past weekend was an interesting one. On Saturday we planned to go into Amsterdam for the whole day to see the Van Gogh museum and go to the Heineken experience. Then on Saturday night we had tickets to go see "Afrika Afrika".

But, we were both to lazy to get up and I was a little sick. Finally at about 11 we got up and got ready to clean the house a little because Twiga is shedding like crazy and shop to get the food for the week. We ended up staying home till 5ish and then headed up to Amsterdam with Eleni to pick up the tickets and go to the show. Once we had got to the show we went to our seats but there were other people already sitting there (they had doubled booked our seats). So, they moved us to different seats that were so much better and we were right in the front.

The show was so cool and it looked really fun to do. There were dancers and singers and acrobats and just so many cool things. It was all music and costumes and actors from the continent of Africa, and my Aunt (who loves Africa) was so happy to see it all. My favorite acts were the acrobats because they were so talented. It was amazing. I would definitely recommend the show!

1 comment:

bradi said...

That sounds great! And how wonderful to get better seats. I'm glad you two got to enjoy it. I wonder if the show travels to the States.