Monday, January 28, 2008

Homeless In The City

Last Friday night my church went into to city to help with night ministry work for our former pastor who now runs the San Francisco night ministry and helped hand out jackets, pants, food and most importantly socks. Night Ministry is a group of ministers and volunteer that help people between 10pm and 3am. Most of the people that they help are homeless or part time homeless but they also help people that just need someone to talk to. This is my 3rd year of doing this and I really enjoy it. That Friday was rainy so there weren't as many homeless people out as there were last year but we still gave out a lot o' stuff and helped 11 people.

Last year was a bit of a weird time because we went out and were giving out stuff to people and these two women started fighting over a jacket. They were swearing and hitting each other and accidentally ran into me and my friend Patrick and then they both stopped fighting and hitting each other looked at us and apologised very nicely the returned to fighting like nothing happened. Patrick and I thought that that was really funny because after they started fighting again someone else came and took the jacket and walked away.

This year that didn't even come close to happening. We walked around and saw people in only 1s and 2s but never more and always under an over hang. I had a lot of fun and am looking forward to doing it next year too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like such a good thing to do! hey, I hear you have a new haircut. When do we get to see pictures of it?