Monday, February 4, 2008

Glide Memorial

On Sunday I went to Glide Memorial in S.F. with my church to help make bag lunches for the homeless then go to the service. I didn’t really want to go at first because we had to meet at Good Shepard at 8 in the morning (Why did we have to meet that early???) but I ended up having fun. It really surprised me, when we started to make the lunches, that we could make around 200 lunches in 15 min when we only had 23 people all together. The lunches had one ham and one peanut butter sandwich, one mustard packet and one fruit snack pack. After making all that and putting it in the brown bags we would count out 50 and put them into big trash bags and tie them up. We ended up making 658 lunches in 1 hour and then sat around till the first service at Glide was over so we could go to the second one. It was half an hour before the service was over but there was a line started so we stood in line so we would get good seats. Right when the first service was out we were aloud in to sit. The service was really cool and very fun. Most of the service was singing which is why it was so fun. The band there was great and the drummer made me look like I don’t even have any idea about playing the drums. The sermon was hard to understand for me because most of it was the pastor yelling but I think the sermon was about treating people equally. All in all I had a lot of fun there and hope we do it again some time.

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