Last Saturday I went on a hike with a guy from my church named Brian. (but you don't read this blog to find out about people I know, you want to know about me so I won't talk about him too much.) He goes to my church and is a very active person in the youth activities, he likes to hike and run so he sets up hikes for the youth monthly. We decided to go up to a rest spot called Deer Flat to eat lunch so we started up the hill. As we went up we started seeing what the recent weather had done to the devil mountain. (oh, by the way, I call Mount. Diablo devil mountain.) There were trees that had been pulled out of the ground by the wind in piles that the park rangers had moved up out of the way and even more that hadn't been moved. However the view was really cool when we got up to Deer Flat. By the time we reached it I felt very relaxed. I guess I just felt better then when I started. After a nice break/lunch we started up a trail that I don't remember the name of, where we could see even more and Brian took a few pics. I really liked the view from there. Like 20 feet after we had looked at the view we turned on the wrong trail called Eagle P
eak but we got a cool pic of me that I will put up when I get it, so you can see my new hair cut. When we figured out we were going the wrong way we turned around and only had to walk about ten meters and we were at the right trail which was called Back Creek Trail. This trail was practically non-existent and looked like it was made by animals. If you don't like tight spaces don't go down that trail. Once we were close to the bottom we ended up by a creek so we got a pic of the creek. Close by the creak we found a big mob of ladybugs so naturally I got a pic. We finally got back to the car after the 5 hour hike and we were both tired. Right when I got home I went to sleep.

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