Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Birthday

I had my 17th birthday last weekend, and spent it with my family. It was actually a lot of fun. I got to sit at home all day after sleeping in and going to IHOP for breakfast. I had a really big ham and cheese omelet and 3 pancakes It was yummmmmmmy.

After sitting at home relaxing and reading all day, I had band practise at 5 so I went to that and ended up having a lot of fun drumming there. We usually do slower songs and this time we were doing a really fun faster song so that made me really happy. Then I went out for dinner with all but my Aunt because she sucks and is in Den Haag (when you read this Aunt Tudy this is for you ;p ) I was going to go to P.F.Chang for dinner with the family, but the wait was too long for me so we went to Yan Can for dinner instead. Dinner was a lot of fun and really good I got to have Kung Pow chicken. When we got home I finally got my gifts and ended getting everything I wanted to get. My grandparents got me a lot of sweaters and shirts that I had shopped for with them, and my Aunt got me a new pair of shoes, a new pair of pants and a new jacket. We went shopping at Christmas, so I had picked out all the clothes myself, but I didn't know that they had bought everything for me. So, that was pretty good. And I also got a $50 I-tunes gift card from my great Aunt that I look forward to using. After all the gift giving, I had cake and went to sleep so I could go to church the next morning and not be asleep during it. My Bestamom makes my cake every year and it is my favorite kind. Last year, I didn't get a cake from her, so I convinced her to make me two cakes this year I have to finish this one first, and then she said she'll make me another one. SUCKER!!!!! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I read that post and I'm not at all sure about the "sucker" comment--like maybe you get one cake this year and none again next year. Sounds about right to me. Bestemom XO