Monday, January 28, 2008

Homeless In The City

Last Friday night my church went into to city to help with night ministry work for our former pastor who now runs the San Francisco night ministry and helped hand out jackets, pants, food and most importantly socks. Night Ministry is a group of ministers and volunteer that help people between 10pm and 3am. Most of the people that they help are homeless or part time homeless but they also help people that just need someone to talk to. This is my 3rd year of doing this and I really enjoy it. That Friday was rainy so there weren't as many homeless people out as there were last year but we still gave out a lot o' stuff and helped 11 people.

Last year was a bit of a weird time because we went out and were giving out stuff to people and these two women started fighting over a jacket. They were swearing and hitting each other and accidentally ran into me and my friend Patrick and then they both stopped fighting and hitting each other looked at us and apologised very nicely the returned to fighting like nothing happened. Patrick and I thought that that was really funny because after they started fighting again someone else came and took the jacket and walked away.

This year that didn't even come close to happening. We walked around and saw people in only 1s and 2s but never more and always under an over hang. I had a lot of fun and am looking forward to doing it next year too.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Birthday

I had my 17th birthday last weekend, and spent it with my family. It was actually a lot of fun. I got to sit at home all day after sleeping in and going to IHOP for breakfast. I had a really big ham and cheese omelet and 3 pancakes It was yummmmmmmy.

After sitting at home relaxing and reading all day, I had band practise at 5 so I went to that and ended up having a lot of fun drumming there. We usually do slower songs and this time we were doing a really fun faster song so that made me really happy. Then I went out for dinner with all but my Aunt because she sucks and is in Den Haag (when you read this Aunt Tudy this is for you ;p ) I was going to go to P.F.Chang for dinner with the family, but the wait was too long for me so we went to Yan Can for dinner instead. Dinner was a lot of fun and really good I got to have Kung Pow chicken. When we got home I finally got my gifts and ended getting everything I wanted to get. My grandparents got me a lot of sweaters and shirts that I had shopped for with them, and my Aunt got me a new pair of shoes, a new pair of pants and a new jacket. We went shopping at Christmas, so I had picked out all the clothes myself, but I didn't know that they had bought everything for me. So, that was pretty good. And I also got a $50 I-tunes gift card from my great Aunt that I look forward to using. After all the gift giving, I had cake and went to sleep so I could go to church the next morning and not be asleep during it. My Bestamom makes my cake every year and it is my favorite kind. Last year, I didn't get a cake from her, so I convinced her to make me two cakes this year I have to finish this one first, and then she said she'll make me another one. SUCKER!!!!! ;-)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Aunt Left

Sadly my Aunt left yesterday so now I am stuck with my Bestemom till I go back to Europe. (I hope she'll be really nice to me...hint, hint). I helped my Aunt go to the airport yesterday because A) she had a lot of stuff in her bags so they were pretty heavy and B) because its my Aunt and she is so cool that I had to see her off.

When we got there my Aunt didn't have a ticket with her because she had switched flights so we had to stand in a lllllooooonnnnnggggg line and when we were close to the last turn we had to make it that line the stupid United Airline worker told us to go to the other side because it was "faster" but when we got to that side they had one person working it and like 20 people in line. I guarantee, it was NOT faster.

Half an hour after we had gotten in the second line we had barely moved at all but the guy that was behind us in the FIRST line was done and walking to the gate and then half an hour later we got to the counter. From there, they sent my Aunt to yet ANOTHER line and then finally, it took another 15 to 20 minutes to get all the stuff like the ticket and checking the bags.

By then we had been there for about two hours which was nice to spend with my Aunt but not great to spend in the lines at the airport. I definitely would have preferred a nice conversation over a mexi melt at Taco Bell.

Then we walked my Aunt to the gate and couldn't go any further so we said goodbye and then left.

This morning she called and said she was home but the airport had lost one of the bags that she was taking with her so it seems that her flight sucked. All in all Twiga is happy to see her but we miss her here.

Monday, January 7, 2008


I was watching CNN this morning and there were a lot of interesting news stories. Iran had boats attacking ours and the Supreme Court is debating the way that our country administers the death penalty. However, I was most interested by the stories and reporting on the upcoming democratic primary elections and who will win.

Although I can't vote yet nor will I be able to for this coming election, I have been watching the polls and the candidates Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton to see who I would vote for if I could. Fortunately and unfortunately I still haven't fully decided which of the two I would vote for because they both seem like they could do a good job. It would be good if Sen. Clinton won because 1) she is a women and I think it would be good to get a women president because of all the great things they can think of and she was a first lady so she is already used to how things work in the white house and 2) because she has some really good ideas that she would try to put in motion if she was the president. One of her very good ideas is a health care plan that will help all Americans and that is really needed.

On the other hand, I think it would be good if Sen. Obama won because he has a lot of good ideas and although he doesn't have the experience that Hillary Clinton does, he seems very good at what he does. One of his really good ideas also has to do with health care and seems like it could work too. Right now Obama is doing great on his campaign leading 39% to Sen. Clinton's 29%. All though they both seem good only one can be presedent but the quesion is which one will it be. I hope all of you that can vote will and if you want you can leave coments on your opinion for the Democratic nominee for President and why you think one candidate is better than the other.