Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The courtroom - update at the ICC
I have been going to the court hearings again now that I'm back in Holland. In the both Lubanga and Katanga's cases the prosecution has misused the laws. The prosecution has tried to hide behind a law that says that when you get info through confidentiality agreements, that info should be used for the sole purpose of generating new evidence. Also, info that has been received through these agreements is info that you are not aloud to share with any of the other parties. The prosecution is now trying to use all the info that they had gained under the confidentiality agreements in Court without letting the defense see it. In the U.S. this would be ok because we don’t have to give the defense evidence that will help to show there innocence, but at the ICC that is a rule that should not be broken. By breaking this law, the prosecution is making the trial an unfair trial. The bench in the Lubanga case has staid the trial because the prosecution is making the trial an unfair one. (To stay a trial, for those of you that don't know, is the same as halting the trial until the prosecution can get it together.) Upon a stay in a trial, the accused is supposed to be released until the trial is started again, but the prosecution is now trying to appeal the stay saying that the trial is still fair. Unfortunately, for the prosecution everyone thinks that the trial was not going to be fair. Because the prosecution appealed the accused or Lubanga is not let out until the appeal has been resolved, so Lubanga is "getting released" but we will see if it really happens.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Linkin Park - in Düsseldorf
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Amsterdam - Again
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Christian Youth Gathering
Last Friday I went to a Christian youth gathering called EO-Jongerendag with my youth group here. The gathering was completely centered around teens so there were a lot of companies that related to teens. There were also a few rides outside the stadium. When we got inside, we had to walk around for a little to find seats because it was packed. Once we did, we were in the far back. The first thing that happened was that the EO-Jongerendag's band played for a little. I liked them but they were in Dutch so I didn't really understand the words. Then there was a speaker but he was speaking Dutch too so I didn't get what he said ether. Finally, a band called Starfield came on and played. They were from Canada so I finally understand what people were saying. I really really liked them. After they were done, it was intermission. During intermission, we walked around and got some food. After that, we went back in so we could get good seats. (We were going to drive to Germany for Starbucks but we didn’t want to miss Delirious the last band that was playing.) The seats we got were third row on the side of the stage. The band after the break called Spacefix was HORRIBLE. It was more like a circus act with music then a band. After that group the speaker came back on and talked some more. Once he was done, Delirious came on. Everyone in the stadium was really happy when they came on. They were my favorite with Starfeild in a very close second. Once they were done, EVERYONE in the whole place practically stampeded the door so leaving took a little. Once we were out the door, we headed home. I'm really glad that I found a good youth group in The Hague. It's great to be here and to hang with my aunt and her friends....but its also great to be able to hang out with some people my own age too.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
(product) RED
So I’m sure most of you have heard of the RED product. RED is a group that takes most of the profit from the things that they sell and uses it to help stop Aids in Africa. I found out a few months ago that you could go onto and design your own RED shoes. I needed new shoes anyway (OK, let's be honest...I didn't need the shoes so much as
I really wanted the shoes), so I made my own shoes. I found it really nice because it’s more your shoe if you design it, if that makes since, and you are helping a really good cause. If you want to do this too go to or if you want to read a
little about it and see other people ideas. This is my shoe: If you are interested in helping out you can join RED by going to and help stop Aids. if you want to read a
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Back in Europe
Well I've been back in Europe for a month now and have settled in. Not much has changed. I do miss home and friends but I talk to them a lot and it wont really be that long till I am back home. So far I have gone to Berlin and Florance and have truly enjoined them both. Most everyday has been very hot and sunny for Holland. We have enjoyed all the sun and have gone on a bike ride and might do it again this weekend. Although I have been having all this fun I have still been doing school work. I did go to a court hearing and learned that there was no change in what was happening when I had left last year. All together its nice to be back and i am truly enjoying it.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Third and Final Day in Florence
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Day Two in Florence - the day of the museum
Then, we headed to one more museum to finish out the day. This museum has Michelangelo's sculpture, David, in it. I have heard about the sculpture and seen photos of it, but I have to say that it is pretty amazing close up. His feet are as big as my head! It stuns me that someone could have had the kind of talent to actually sculpt like that. Even the veins on his arms and back were perfect. It was pretty amazing to see. Michelangelo's 4 dying slaves were also in this museum.
Then we went to the oldest bridge in Florence. The beach along the river reminded me of a beach board walk because it was packed and there were shops all over it and then you could see the water in the background. We didn't spend that much time there because we were hungry so
we just walked over it and then back. When we found a place to eat I got really lucky and got to have steak. Apparently this is one of their specialties in Florence so my Aunt thought I should get to have one since I like steak so much. She is a vegetarian, so she just had a cheese pizza.
After that incredibly good dinner we started walking back to the hotel but on the way we went in to a "fancy" story that had lots of papers and calligraphy stuff and the wax ceals with peoples initials. It was really cool so i tried to get my aunt to get the ceal for me because it was really cool. After a little while of thinking about it she said yes so I got to get it. From there we went back to the hotel because it was getting late.
Friday, May 16, 2008
first day in florence
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