Monday, April 7, 2008

My Mexico Mission Trip

On Easter I went down to Mexico with my church youth group to build houses for the week of spring break. We meet Sunday before church and check in so that we know that everyone is there. After checking in we go to church service. In the service there is a part where we have to go up front so the whole church can see us and wish us luck. (I hate that part). After the service we go out to the vans (for those of you that don't know, we drive down to Mexico) to load up and say goodbye to people. After saying bye to everyone we headed out. I really don't know what happened till our first rest stop because I slept on the ride down. At the first rest stop we ate our bag lunches and changed seats. We do a lottery to see where we sit and at each stop we change seats so people get to know more people--people riding with me know that I like to sleep. Then we got back in the vans and I went back to sleep till the second rest stop. That was fun because I got Taco Bell for dinner. The third rest stop was the coolest rest stop we had because we got there just in time to watch the sun set. I wish I could have taken a picture but I didn't have a camera. Once the sun had set we hung out for a few minutes, then finished up the drive to the church we were sleeping at. After all the people were there we unpacked the box truck so we had all our things. After that my Aunt and Bestemom showed up with some more Taco Bell and Easter candy for me (they spent Easter in San Diego). It was cool seeing my Aunt again since I haven't seen her in a few months. Once they left, we were up for a few more minutes but then it was time for bed. Last year we were there too and some of the adults slept outside so me and Patrick and Chris asked if we could sleep outside too. The adults said yes so we all set up outside on the grass and went to sleep. Then at about 2 AM the sprinklers went off...that was a very weird way to wake up. So this year we slept outside but this time we were on the cement.

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