Tuesday, April 8, 2008

First Day on the Work Site

So the first day on the work site we built the frame for the foundation, and two walls, and also poured the cement foundation. Right when we got to the site we started to make the frame for the foundation. After we had it all square and level (which didn’t take that long) we had to dig about 3 inches down around the edges to make sure the foundation doesn't move. My first job was to make sure all the dirt was loose enough for the people with shovels to get it out. That ended up only taking me like 5 minutes because I got to use a pick axe and when I have one of those I can dig through just about anything. Then we started making the cement and walls at the same time. This didn’t work as well as it has in the past two years because we had a bunch of people that didn’t really want to do any work. (If and when they did work they wanted their friends right next to them so they could talk the whole time.) The cement takes a long time to make and is really hard because we have to make it by hand. This year Patrick and I broke the record of most cement mixed at once. (We mixed 6 buckets and the record was 5 so we thought that was cool.) While we are down there we don't have any power tools because we don't want it to seem like we are better or have better things or anything like that. After all the cement was in we all helped put together the second wall then we had to go back to camp because there are gangs where we do work and we don’t want to have to deal with that. Back at camp we just hang out until dinner. After dinner we have small groups and big group worship then we go to bed.

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